Famous family crests from Game of Thrones

Famous family crests from Game of Thrones

  1. House Stark (Game of Thrones):

    • Symbol: A direwolf on a white field.
    • Meaning: The direwolf represents loyalty, strength, and the harsh northern environment. It symbolizes House Stark’s resilience and connection to the North.
    • Allegorical Tale: The Stark motto, “Winter is Coming,” reflects their preparedness for adversity.

  2. House Lannister (Game of Thrones):

    • Symbol: A golden lion on a crimson field.
    • Meaning: The lion signifies courage, nobility, and wealth. House Lannister is known for their wealth and cunning political maneuvers.
    • Allegorical Tale: Their unofficial motto, “A Lannister always pays his debts,” emphasizes their financial power and honor.

  3. House Targaryen (Game of Thrones):

    • Symbol: A three-headed dragon on a black field.
    • Meaning: The dragon represents power, conquest, and the Targaryen lineage. Each head symbolizes Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters.
    • Allegorical Tale: The Targaryens ruled the Seven Kingdoms with fire and blood, leaving a legacy of both greatness and tragedy.


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